Vision, Mission, Values


“To enable professionals to communicate authentically with other markets and cultures”

Professionals, whether in the commercial world or the non-profit sector, need to communicate in spoken and written form in a way which authentically presents their message to the hearer or reader, who will be a member not only of a different language group, but a different culture. *Odista*’s vision is to make that possible.


“To strive for excellence in professional English-Serbian translation and interpreting services”

In the medium term our mission is to continue building a high-quality translation and interpreting service for the Serbian language. We make no secret of the fact that our objective is to become the leading specialists in Serbian-English translation services.


  • uncompromising quality
  • people before profit
  • business excellence
  • investment in expertise
  • transparent and honest communication

We cannot work towards our vision without grounding our activities in sound values. These values centre on the ideas of quality, ability and transparency, whilst putting people – our clients, our staff and others – first, even before profit.

